Post-traumatic states are dominated by deficits in mental processing and disintegrated images, thoughts, and feeling states that haunt the traumatized. In many traumatized patients the balance between binding and unbinding forces are constantly threatened. This chapter presents an analysis of fragments from two early sessions of Mohamed's therapy based on a semiotic model of enunciation. This model aims to take into consideration the dialogic character of emerging semiosis in trauma therapies. Enunciation Analysis can be considered as an addition to the Symbolization/Desymbolization analysis of Hurvich and Freedman. In the psychoanalytic perspective the Enunciation Analysis can thus be seen as an investigation of object relations and fantasies brought to life in the transference–countertransference dynamics of the analysis. In the Enunciation Analysis functionality/dysfunctionality of the link is scored in the utterances in a binary mode. The weight of the enunciation is on the descriptive mode, but there is a strong attractor towards a dialogical dimension.