This chapter argues that the problems parents can experience when their young child does not respond to them in a 'typical' way, how they often voice concerns that something is 'not quite right' with their child, and how it is important to address these concerns, which may be signs of pre-autism. It explores the case study of a three years and two months child Geronimo who was an only child, and had not yet started to speak. Geronimo was delayed in his response to other people, delayed in his speech and communication capacities, and in his play—which was not visible at all since he was either asleep or drifting in and out of sleep. Geronimo's treatment began with three days of assessment. Geronimo was a complex child with many challenges that had to be explored. Doctor had to provide the right support to Geronimo and his parents, helping them to acknowledge their frightening feelings in a modulated way.