This chapter reports on the prevention projects in preschool institutions of the city of Frankfurt/Main that people—the Sigmund-Freud Institut and the Anna-Freud-Institut—over a period of almost ten years have jointly conducted since 2003. Psychoanalytic child psychotherapists are accustomed, by nature to think in systems; than in the individual treatment of children they always have to do with families and must also consider the rest of the social environment of a child with respect to its influence on the psychic development. The prevention of psychosocial disturbances of development occurs, according to psychoanalytic findings, normally and most soundly through the encouragement of feelings of self worth and relationships of connectedness and love in early childhood. The difference to the concrete offer of the Frankfurter Prevention Study and of Starthilfe is that the presence in the everyday routine of the preschool is carried out by an experienced psychoanalytic child therapist, who visits one to two mornings a week.