A mother with high triadic capacity is able to recognise that the father also has an important relationship to the child, without being overwhelmed by her fear of being excluded. A father with high triadic capacity recognises the mother's significance, without excluding himself from the relationship between mother and child. Atriadic perspective in the context of parenthood takes into account the capacity for triadic relationships, or what we have called "triadic capacity" in mothers and fathers. As the child grows older, triadic capacity also indicates the ability of parents to accept that the child enters into meaningful relationships with significant others. The higher the parental triadic capacity the more the child would grow in a flexible relational frame with good emotional care but also enough developmentally adequate autonomy. Psychoanalytic work, as well as relationship based preventive interventions, no matter whether with infants and parents, children, adolescents, or adults open up triadic relational fields.