This chapter considers Halina Brunning's model of coaching as a way of examining what, consequently, was and was not explored with the client. It presents the two methods which are personality measures and 360 Degree Feedback; what one might term "inside-out" and "outside-in" sources. The chapter describes the use of the I. B. Myers– K. C. Briggs Type Indicator(r). It also presents a number of fairly typical competencies, with some particular ratings. There is a reality within life and work that exists beyond that of an individual's own single perspective, and both the use of personality instruments and 360 Degree Feedback are methods of enquiry that allow an individual to access some important data about the outside world. Brunning's model would have been very useful to have "on the table" in looking, however briefly, at the beginning of our work, at the boundaries, and in mapping out the thematic areas of the encounter.