The school timetable is organized around eight hours a day of work and play. Recurrent vomiting was a central feature of Marco's first months at school. It always came without any warning, when Marco was in canteen, and it usually occurred before he began eating. Aggression seemed to pervade family life, and the older children seemed to have formed an alliance against Marco. Marco was a pale-looking boy with a sweet face, a markedly hooked nose, and a tuft of blond hair. However, Marco's birds were drawn in the form of a squadron: each bird was a sharp triangular shape containing eyes and a beak. Marco also became more able to conduct a one-to-one conversation during his second year at school. Marco's dexterity with language was considerable, and he excelled through his ability to change the terms of a story into their opposites. Marco seemed to be reproducing a relationship to an internal maternal object interfered with by many misunderstandings.