For W. F. D. Fairbairn, the endopsychic situation whose psychogenesis is primitive dissociation, which originates in splitting of the psychic structure of ego and object rather than in repression, is no longer simply a psychopathological schema useful to understand the schizoid condition psychoanalytically. Fairbairn's model gives us a technical, theoretical, clinical, and metapsychological instrument to understand and apply to these clinical milestones in severe actual pathologies. For this reason, we teach Fairbairn as "the analyst of borderline patients". Extrapolating to Fairbairn, we proposed to define behaviour psychoanalytically as a bridge that joins an internal object, an external object, and the relationships with both, something we also observe in transference-countertransference. We may interpret behaviour alongside discourse which is essential for borderline and psychotic pathologies. Kernberg has become an important promoter of the ideas of Fairbairn in Argentina.