Pure mathematics is autosymbolism. The psychoanalysis of Dr. Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud hardly occupied itself in the beginning with the problems of ‘talent’. It turned its interest almost exclusively to the changes which the human mind has to undergo after its birth under the influence of the environment. This first ‘traumatic-cathartic’ period in psychoanalysis was a wholesome reaction against the pre-analytic psychiatry and psychology, which completely withdrew from the investigation of the qualities acquired during life, and tended to explain everything mental by the formula of ‘innate disposition’, and everything psychiatric by that of ‘degeneration’. The second great epoch in psychoanalysis is connected solely with the name of Freud and deserves to be called a ‘theory of libido’. The third, phase of Freud’s psychoanalysis is characterized by metapsychology, this unique construction which, without even the slightest help from anatomy, histology, chemistry, or physics of the nerve substance.