On 16 February 1915 Sigmund Freud presented the lecture translated below—'Wirundder Tod' ('Death and Us'). This chapter aims to make this unique document available to English-speaking scholars of psychoanalysis. It presents the 'Wir und der Tod', of a lecture held by Sigmund Freud on 16 February 1915, at the Viennese branch of the Jewish movement B'nai B'rith, which he joined two years after its foundation in September of 1897. B'nai B'rith arose in answer to this turning point in Austrian politics, to the need to confront antisemitism and to redefine its identity in the face of the failure of emancipation and of the ideals of tolerance that had been the basis of the Bildung. The years during which Freud was a member of B'nai B'rith were those in which the echo of the 'Dreyfus Affair' was still strong, when France had been torn and divided, the France of Zola's J'accuse.