This chapter contains a discussion of late adolescent and young adult character development in certain individuals whose behavior is reminiscent of the dramatic and mythic character of Don Juan Tenorio, whose motives for control and power over others, as manifest in his sexual exploits, are legendary. The three important motivations of late adolescence, mastery of sexuality, acquisition of power over others, and interest in accumulating money, certainly flower in adolescence and young adulthood. Horner claims that the power of self arises as a mastery over childhood helplessness and powerlessness and is commonly repeated in adolescence in relation to parental control. Motives for dominating control, subjugation and power over others are seen as originating in early childhood, and these issues later on merge with adolescent phallic aggressiveness, sexualization, and exhibitionism in the form of a display of cavalier seduction of any and all those women the Don Juan character perceives as a challenge.