Reporter parts of survivors let perpetrators know, usually via a family member, if the survivors are remembering or telling secrets. Then the call-backs happen: Return to find out what people remember, Return to get revenge, Return because granddad is dying. When a survivor returns to her cult family, she will most likely be tortured with electroshock, raped, and reprogrammed to know nothing about her secret life. Some family ties remained, so they had to participate. Then comes the bitter realization that they remember the before and after but not the event they were called home for, perhaps a ritual, with torture, drugs, and commands. All that was repaired through torturous mind control during these imposed "visits" and "reunions". Therapeutic rules were not designed for war, or for life and death situations. There is a time to be cautious and a time to be bold. This might be the only chance. There are more important issues than correct therapeutic procedure.