Social Dreaming offers a method of penetrating the multidimensional, complexity of systems by releasing the creative potential of the role-holders in the organization, it is hypothesized. The added-value of the Social Dreaming Matrix comes through the Dream Reflection Group (DRG). The application of Social Dreaming, which is the crucible for the transformation of thinking, is supplemented by participants working in the DRG. DRG synthesizes the themes of the stories of the dreams to make working hypotheses on the state of being and becoming of the system. The primary task of the DRG is: to make a synthesis of the state of being of the system, with its dilemmas and puzzles, using the evidence of the dreams of the Matrix to intuit the state of emergence of the system. In the DRG there is space for amplification, which is to hold to the integrity of the dream by supplementing its meanings by reference to contemporary cultural and political events.