The politically correct cultural studies often pay for their arrogance and lack of serious approach by confusing Truth and Knowledge, i.e. by disavowing the gap that separates them, by directly subordinating Knowledge to Truth. The temptation arises to fill in the gap by either reducing philosophy to science, claiming that modern naturalizing cognitivism "realizes" philosophical insights, translating them into acceptable scientific form, or, by claiming that, postmodern science breaks out of the "Cartesian paradigm" and approaches the level of authentic philosophical thought. J. Lacan’s point is that psychoanalytic interpretation does not simply fill in the gap by way of providing the hidden complete network of causality that "explains" the slip: as Lacan emphasizes, it rather belongs to the order of the non-realized, thwarted, i.e. it is in itself structured as a gap, a void insisting indefinitely on its fulfillment.