In academic psychology, Watson and Raynor used Little Albert to show how conditioning could cause animal fears. In 1913 Freud commented on the closeness children feel with animals when he stated, Children have no scruples over allowing animals to rank as their full equals. The wild horse, along with mammoths, bears, and lions, is among the animals most commonly depicted in man’s earliest drawings. From Greek mythology, was the winged horse Pegasus who sprang from the blood of Medusa when she was beheaded by Perseus. The development of intense interest in horses is by no means necessarily pathological. Most girls who are horse crazy also do fine, and in these there is seldom the opportunity to study the meanings of their interest. While this young woman’s psychopathology, her suitability for analysis, and the technical features of the treatment might be of interest, the author focuses on the ways that the horse became important for her.