The society of the "great harmony", the radical and definitive new society towards which 15 billion years of matter in movement, makes its way necessarily and inexorably. It is the only and irreplaceable new society, with neither exploited nor exploiters, neither oppressed nor oppressors, with no classes, no State, no parties, no democracy, no arms, no wars. The Future of an Illusion reveals the link that exists in all cultures between the denial of death and authority, illusion and domination. Indeed, when Freud wonders about the relationship between religion and culture, he "does so in a context designed to articulate the helplessness of the human infant to the dynamics of political power". For Freud, the pedagogical application of psychoanalysis would be a concrete historical chance of transforming a culture rooted in illusion. This chapter deals with Freud's statement that there are lay religions that have the same characteristics as any theistic religion.