The early "revelation" experienced by Donald W. Winnicott on observing the function of transitional objects in infants led him to pay particular attention to the initial aspects of upbringing and the dialectics of its failings. Winnicott, who by then had read Sigmund Freud, confirmed the validity of the ideas proposed in the psychoanalytic treatment of children at the British Society. Premature and almost irreversible, the damage in the oscillation and the display of illusion–disillusionment impair the work of the transitional and of playing, guarantors of mental continuity. Within the topography of illusion–hallucination, the transitional, in the coming and going of the effects of the transitions of the transitional neuro-optical effects are transported. The transitional phenomenon and the transitional object, in a very specific interaction, maybe as a first psychic act, generate and use a fiction: hallucination as the wishful activation of the mnemonic image of the object, producing the same thing as a perception.