This chapter shows that "the use of an object" constitutes Donald W. Winnicott's final major theoretical achievement. It offers how this concept offers psychoanalysis a new psychoanalytic theory of aggression, following Winnicott. The chapter presents a Winnicott's concept "the use of an object" and explores how it constitutes a distinct clinical concept that accounts for the fate of primary aggression. It discusses three of the key related concepts that Winnicott had already outlined before 1968: primary creativity, the theoretical first feed, and creating the object. The crucial moment in Winnicott's sequence of object relating to object use is that the object is there to receive the communication: that is, the object is able to receive the subject's loving destruction. Following Freud, Winnicott sees that the baby is born into the world equipped with a creative potential. This "inherited tendency", described as a predisposition to grow, is bound up with the sensations in the body and the baby's absolute dependence.