Some professionals fear that working with childhood issues of offenders could encourage offenders to see themselves as victims. This chapter suggests that working on the trauma and poor attachment that is the root cause of these issues, alongside therapy specifically focused on stopping the offending behaviour. Treatment for sex offenders has been shown to reduce reoffending rates. Effective therapies for perpetrators potentially reduce sexual offending. Through micro-tracking, the client becomes increasingly aware of his body sensations and current thoughts, as the therapy room becomes the externalised stage of his mind’s eye. The psychotherapeutic method the chapter utilizes for working on the area of early history is the Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor, which Al Pesso and Diane Boyden created in 1961. This approach “represents the coming together of psychodynamic, cognitive–behavioural and system-oriented principles, along with client-centred attitudes, in one integrated philosophy”.