In the case of an experience of humiliation, working through it may also require the development of an alternative, equally plausible explanation about the inner states or motivations of the humiliator's behaviour. In the case of the experience of shame, the possibility of self-forgiveness requires a relabelling of people behaviours or of the context of the shaming experience as a situation/behaviour that is unusual for people. The witness becomes a fair or unfair character in front of whom the subject becomes ashamed or humiliated. In many cases, the self-sacrifice was offered to high-ranking officers in disgrace as a gallant alternative to the less desirable option of being tried and punished or, even worse, being left to live in shame. Rodolfo Moguillansky states that to forgive the one who humiliated people and/or to forgive ourselves after being shamed by a behaviour that is later tied to a negative self-judgement helps to heal a narcissistic wound.