This chapter shows that political correctness, and the anti-Oedipal psychology that underlies it, is nihilistic. Political correctness redefines the world, but it does so in a way that living in the world becomes impossible. For anti-Oedipal psychology, the fundamental facts of the universe are moral realities; specifically, axiomatic classifications of who is good and who is bad. The elements of anti-Oedipal meaning, which one could easily call a Weltangschauung: the elevation of the subjective, the denial of objective reality and the drive to destroy its representations, and even the hint that, the fusion of mysticism will be brought about. Understanding the world means understanding the relationships between causes and effects. Social order is the greatest achievement of oedipal psychology. For anti-Oedipal psychology, the fundamental facts of the universe are moral realities; specifically, axiomatic classifications of who is good and who is bad.