The emergence of transitional phenomena in the form of virtual objects enable to make some interesting links between a patient’s subjective experience and their behaviour in external reality, or enactments, which can readily be observed by the treating psychoanalyst. The debate about models of subjectivity begins with the question of whether it is possible to assert any claim for objectivity about subjectivity in psychoanalysis. This has been felt to be essential by some if psychoanalysis is to establish its validity in terms acceptable to philosophers of science and, by extension, natural scientists. The concept of nothingness is an idea that has been approached from an ontological point of view. Nothingness can be said to have being in spite of the impression that nothingness might be thought of as the negative of being. Nothingness, with its implied desire, is the driving force behind the creation of virtual objects, which are formed out of the affective fragments left by decathexis.