Psychoanalysis allows for an understanding of the traumatism that occurs when there is a disabled person in a family. Clinical treatment of disability mobilises especially intense countertransferential reactions relating to the parameters that characterise the disability: organicity, its irremediable nature, intellectual disability, retardation, absence or abnormality of language, the body deformed by uncontrolled movements, and anomaly or deficiency in the organisation of thought processes. The notion of mourning is mentioned in relation to illness, disability, or any other form of anomaly. Disability is explored in psychoanalysis, although it has been a recurrent theme in mythology, literature, and arts. There is a trend in the childish mind to construct theories to provide oneself with explanations of all the mysteries it encounters on the lines of the infantile sexual theories described by S. Freud. The disability questions the enigma of the origin in the dual sense of the word with respect to the meaning of beginnings, but also the meaning of causality.