Some analysts examine the psychoses from a dynamicstructural point of view, while others emphasize the psychoeconomics of a total prestructural regressive psychological organization. E. L. Freud's formulations of the content of the paranoiac's delusion exemplify the first approach, his theory of libido regression in psychotic hypochondria the second. A modern example for the first approach is Waelder who, in his paper "The Structure of Paranoid Ideas", regarded delusions as the result of unsuccessful denial just as the symptoms of psychoneurosis are the results of unsuccessful repression. One of Tausk's major theoretical contributions in "On the Origin of the 'Influencing Machine' in Schizophrenia" was a highly original integration of two approaches. Charles Fisher differentiates the content meaning of the suggestion to dream from a "transference meaning". Dr. Louis Linn also deserves praise for a performance that is as valuable and important as it is rare: that of an analyst who has restricted himself to the writing of a confirmatory essay.