This chapter highlights the unique way in which Intensive Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy (IE-DP) can undo the triggering and maintenance of depressive mechanisms. Severe depressive symptoms inhibit and disguise the expression of the Self, depriving the individual of their individuality and making them depleted, neutral, and lacking vital energy, similar to a physically ill person. The aetiology of long-standing depression is more complex than this and three levels need to be considered: brain function and genetics, socio-cultural milieu, and psycho-emotional processes. The chapter highlights a few salient dynamics, often characterising depressive patients, and their treatment with Intensive Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy. It focuses on some aspects of the patient-therapist relationship (RE), handling of the Superego (SE) and character defences with the help of the character hologram (DA), and restructuring the relationship with self and Other (SO).