This chapter aims to conceptualize something of thinking, to bring some order, which itself is the product of thinking, to the process of thinking. Thinking is the capacity of human beings to engage with their world. As a psychoanalyst, C. Bollas is focusing on the individual, which is the proper Oedipal project of his professional life. The unthought known is the inchoate because it is lost in language and society that would provide the channels for knowing. Thinking is what gives science, art, literature, philosophy, sociology, psychology, psychoanalysis, management science, accounting, music, and, indeed, all other disciplines their substance of knowledge, their scholarly presence. Thinking is a product of the symbiosis between human beings and their ecosystem. In a tribal society knowledge is passed on to subsequent generations through myths that relate to the problem of existence. They are powerful stories, containing ineffable truths, of solutions to the complexities that previous generations encountered.