Only a few psychoanalysts have any experience with transvestism, transsexualism, and transgenderism. Transsexuals, stricto sensu, are people in whom the identity component is the dominant factor: they simply cannot live with/in the male body with which they were born. Transsexuals feel “comfortable” when they wear women’s clothing because this gives them the appearance of being women and thus corresponds to their intimate feeling of actually being women. Some transsexuals try not to show any sexual desire so that they could be considered as “true transsexuals” and be operated on. When they speak of their desires, the male-to-female transsexuals usually say they have desire for a man, and the female-to-male transsexuals usually say they have desire for a woman. In girls, being sexually attracted to another girl is often at the heart of their discovery of themselves as transsexual. Female-to-male transsexuals often come to a specialist consultation as a couple.