Legislation throughout the Belgian Congo on labour is on important points the same; there are, however, certain modifications in the various provinces, applied according to local requirements, in view of the different conditions obtaining in each locality, and the varying degrees of advancement. The Annual Report on the Administration of the Belgian Congo for 1928 indicated the attention being given to the whole question of the effect of the demand for labour. The programme for the future was summarized as follows: the repopulation of unduly depleted areas, and the discouragement of any further exodus; the encouragement of recruiting in areas hitherto untapped; and the exercise of caution in the granting of any further concessions. They also include the rationing of labour to employers, limiting them to the number demonstrably necessary; the development of the Labour Department; the encouragement of mechanization; the adoption of further measures for the protection of the workers and their families; and the extension of social services.