The law relating to labour is based generally on the Cape Masters and Servants Law, amended by Proclamation. The law relating to labour consists principally of Proclamation No. 27 of 1907, amended by No. 48 of 1912. The Native Authority Law, Cap. 73 of the Laws, empowers native authorities to issue orders to natives 'for any other purpose approved by the Governor'. In the Mandated Territory of the Cameroons 'the only form in which forced labour is exacted for the Government is for the transport of loads for government officials on tour and of essential stores'. Agents for Foreign Contracts must be licensed by the Governor, for periods not exceeding three months, and for a specified number of recruits, and only on recommendation from the government of the country of employment. All such permits are to be notified to other British West African colonies. Except for government service, the Governor shall require security for wages and expenses of recruits.