“What do we want from Beyoncé?” asks the reader to consider the genesis of the stark divide between followers and critics of the megastar, recently cited as “the most politically divisive entertainer on the Forbes 100 list.” Interestingly, the skepticism and vitriol often leveled at Beyoncé comes as much from within the community of black women to which she belongs as without, suggesting that the negative emotions she often triggers may be rooted in our collective trauma from the effects of misogynoir and colorism. As she has publicly embraced feminism, skepticism about Beyoncé’s motives and methods have only grown. Is a woman of her style and stature equipped to represent feminists—and specifically, black feminists—in the public sphere? Does her privilege, beauty, and approval by the white gaze preclude her from fully embodying our issues, or is her presence a potentially powerful tool to expanding the conversation around intersectionality? In short, what do we want from Beyoncé?