Occupational stratification of migrants is reportedly important in Kampala and will have an important bearing upon the degree of residential segregation. The spatial patterning of migrants by place of birth was characterized by a multi-modal or poly-nucleated distribution rather than a single locational cluster. Very few residents in Kampala were born in Sebei and Karamoja and it was not surprising to find that they showed no consistent residential association with other migrants. Almost the whole of the former Mengo township has an important intensity by Mubende-born and this area of Kampala is dominated by those born in Buganda, reflecting their traditional association with the former Buganda capital. The ethnic data were not collected in the 1969 Uganda census enumeration and are not available for intra-urban areas from the 1959 census. From the 1969 Uganda census enumeration, data are available on the place of birth of the African population.