This chapter explores the rise and adoption of sustainability related practices and certifications in the Australian wine industry and the link to organizational identity. Interviews were conducted with representatives from vineyards and wineries practicing sustainable, organic and biodynamic viticulture, and industry representatives and experts. I found that all three forms of sustainable production explored in this study promote a utopian vision for wine production through reduction of harm, sensibility for good health, and guardianship and protection of terroir. I also found a link between a sustainability identity and sustainable viticulture. Sustainable wines were predominantly linked to environmental and cost considerations. While identity was salient for organic producers, external considerations such as consumer preference, and potential health concerns and benefits also played a role in their strategy. However, the strongest link to identity was found in biodynamic viticulture. Biodynamic vineyards in this study, while mindful about producing high quality grapes and wine, also considered themselves part of a system that flourished through spirituality and biodynamic techniques, and paid close attention to utopian ideals of creating life and protecting life and to keeping the terroir healthy and flourishing for generations to come.