It is not difficult to agree that a discussion on aid makes no sense without the country benefiting from the aid having a clear vision and development strategy. The procedure adopted was part of the political strategy of the countries of the Triad (United States, Europe, Japan) to downgrade the United Nations and substitute it with the G7 and its instruments, claiming to be the international community, which is of course an imposture. The geopolitics of the Triad, at the service of geoeconomy, are reinforced by geostrategic arm. The geoeconomy of the region is based on tropical agricultural products; and hydrocarbons and mined materials. Solidarity, and not humanitarianism, is a major intellectual battle which should not recognize any red line that cannot be crossed. The alternative development requires control over foreign economic relationships, including abandoning the free trade system, which is claimed to be regulated by the markets, and instead, replacing it with national and regional systems of controlled trade.