Paul Yingling's article noted that a key role of generals is to advise policy makers and the public on the means necessary to win wars. Yingling was deployed to Iraq in July 2003 as an executive officer collecting loose munitions and training Iraq's civil-defense corps. Yingling's concern is more narrowly professional, but it should matter greatly to future policy makers who want to consult their military advisers. General Cody looked around the auditorium, packed with men and women in uniform—most of them in their mid-twenties, three decades his junior but far more war-hardened than he or his peers were at the same age—and turned Captain Wignall's question around. Justin Rosenbaum, the captain at Fort Knox who asked General Cody whether any generals would be held accountable for the failures in Iraq, said he was disturbed by this parallel between the two wars.