As the US Army celebrates its 223rd birthday this year [1998], senior Army leaders are already focusing on how the Army After Next might look in the year 2025. As we move into the twenty-first century's "high-tech," information-laden world, leadership principles and practices must be clearly defined and differentiated for junior, senior and strategic leaders. As the author posits, "the principles of leadership do not change; only the conditions in which they are applied." Therefore, "the first priority should be increasing the match between leadership behavior and leadership doctrine." In discussing leadership requirements for the Army of 2025, the author takes into account expectations about the geostrategic setting in 2025 of the Army After Next (AAN), its technology and art, as well as the human and organizational issues it will face. In doing so, the author looks at the leadership requirements for AAN readiness for warfighting peer competitors, regional conflicts and low-intensity conflicts (LICs).