This chapter considers four approaches, each of which would make a marked change in the American social order. These include: policies that increase residential integration among racial-ethnic groups, and radical or socialist proposals to redistribute power and wealth. These also include:“universal entitlements;” that is, the idea of extending a broad range of social and economic benefits to the entire population, and racial-ethnic separatism, that is, limiting contact with out-groups in order to develop cohesion within a group and strengthen its resources and institutions. Residential integration would bring educational benefits, in that it would make racial-ethnic integration in the schools more effective and less costly. Creation and maintenance of racial-ethnic integration in residential areas often require two related advocacy efforts. One involves working for “open” or “fair” housing, and the other involves neighborhood “stabilization.” Individuals and groups on America’s “left wing” joined in the struggle against racism earlier and more actively than did the “mainstream” Democratic and Republican parties.