This chapter explains ablut grapes. It explores the United Farm Workers' (UFW) grape boycott from an ecofeminist perspective. Ecofeminism is a philosophy that, through analysis of the connectedness of the oppressions of women and nature, demonstrates the necessity of a connected liberation from domination. The UFW grape boycott is part of an activist-labor struggle in which women and environmental concerns are central. In her examination of women’s many places, Lin Nelson is particularly concerned with women who would not label themselves “ecofeminist”, “feminist,” or “ecologist”–yet “without these women we would have no resistance and little knowledge about what ails us.” The UFW boycott holds the grape up high so the sun can stream through it and reveal the cross-currents of our society flavoring the fruit. See the glitter of industrial capitalism, the dust of degraded soils, the poverty of hardworking people, the shrinking spectrum of life.