Systems of oppression are often justified by an oppressor as being rooted in biology, as based in something biologically inherent to human nature. Feminists confront the deeply held cultural belief that women are inherently (biologically) inferior to men. The institution of compulsory heterosexuality rests on the concept that only heterosexual sex is “natural,” leading to queer oppression. Gender is the social construct applied to biological sex. Even where gender is recognized as socially variable, biological sex is often assumed to be a fixed and entirely definable category. Lesbianism is a challenge to compulsory heterosexuality. Bisexuality, however, has the potential to challenge the dual gender system, which oppresses women and queer people insofar as it is a foundation of compulsory heterosexuality. A bisexual politic as foundation for a bisexual liberation movement can confront the social framework that only allows for either/or. If explicitly feminist, it has a role to play in challenging gender, the basis for women’s oppression.