Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber might not have the name recognition of Spiderman, Barbie, or Mickey Mouse, but they are a force to reckon with in some sectors, household names in the Christian community and beyond. The rottentomatoes.com website aggregates movie reviews from newspapers and other media from around North America. This one-stop shop provides a quick snapshot of informed opinion on the merits of particular movies, rating them on the "tomatometer" scale of one to one hundred. To appeal to the youngest premedia set, it is important to speak a linguistic and semiotic language that they can relate to. Though every effort is made to save Jonah, he is swallowed by a whale, as is Khalil, who was mistakenly sent off the ship in the fracas. Inside the belly of the whale, Jonah is met by God's messengers, who are able to impress upon him the importance of his mission.