Women have entered history only when playing male roles, most often as warriors, sometimes as martyrs: like the mother of Jugovic, the sister of Batric, Joan of Arc, Marija Bursac. If a woman cannot have children, such households are still called "empty houses" or "deserted". Biological reasons for barrenness used to, and still are, searched for in women, never in men. The movement of women from Niksic warned men in this war again to "follow the tribal, popular, and national tradition": to go to war. The women will be there to duly cry and mourn after them, after they have been "sacrificed on the altar of the homeland". Women are separated among themselves, but nevertheless they are often together as friends. Women in black, women who wear largely black and sometimes black and white or dark colors. Black as the impossibility of choice, ultimate picture of life without colors, without nuances.