The multi-sensoiy room must feel like a relatively new concept to many people in education. Rooms can be used for a host of activities such as relaxation, stimulation, communication, interaction and many other functions, and as such are a potentially valuable resource for a dual sensory impaired child for whom these opportunities do not necessarily occur naturally. One of the most common uses for the multi-sensory room has to be relaxation. But there is a big difference between relaxation and withdrawal. Relaxation is a very valuable activity. The most obvious use for the multi-sensory room in this area is visual stimulation. The multi-sensory room can lend itself to assessment, using and adapting outlines like the Affective communication assessment and the Pre-verbal Communication Schedule manual. There are other types of seizures provoked by problem solving, calculation, startle, music and reading. Most people do not like to be led into a dark room or a strange room with very few visual clues.