Compared to other EU member states, the Czech Republic seems to be little affected by energy poverty. Conventional indicators are somewhat misleading as energy poverty is in reality no minor problem in the country. The chapter concludes that despite satisfactory overall statistics, specific strata of the population may face energy deprivation to a larger extent while risking being systematically overlooked by conventional indicators. This argument is built up in two steps. As a first step, the main traits of the energy poverty phenomenon as they are generally recognized in the Czech Republic are being corrected with the help of local data from the Czech Statistical Office. Sociological research on peripheral areas is further used to explain the spatial distribution of energy poverty in the country. As a second step, three types of policies designed to address the vulnerabilities identified are assessed to establish their lack of impact for specific categories of the population as they facilitate the growth of inequalities and the reinforcement of structural energy poverty in the country. There are, however, some good practices on the national and regional levels, which aim to target vulnerable households.