In this chapter, the authors explore several state responses to misinformation around the world, how they've been implemented, and how they've affected free speech, press freedom, and digital information sharing. It draws heavily from the Poynter Institute's 'guide to anti-misinformation actions around the world', one of the most comprehensive sources of information about global state actions against misinformation. By applying the concepts of hard and soft power in international relations, these actions will be divided into hard regulations, those that necessitate state enforcement, and soft regulations, which are more focused on raising awareness, coalition building, or providing aid to citizens. They discusses how some of hard regulations have been aimed at restricting the spread of hate speech while others specifically criminalise the creation and dissemination of misinformation. Meanwhile, other countries have taken a research-centric approach to developing anti-misinformation actions. Online mis- and disinformation is a threat to governments around the world.