Prinsep’s line was the acknowledged boundary of the Sundarbans in the 24-Parganas. It had been laid down in the years 1822 and 1823, but had been departed from or lost during the 25 years or more that had elapsed. Again, decisions had been passed subsequent to his survey, by which grantees had, it seems, in some instance been placed in possession of non-Sundarban land. All cases in which it appeared that the zamindars had encroached upon occupied grants were to be reported by the Superintendent to the Sundarban Commissioner. Mullins was allowed a vindication, but failed, and was removed from the Sundarbans in September 1852 on the ground of the inaccuracy of his work. The lots were thus practically removed from the Sundarban area, but for the sake of uniformity were shewn in Captain R. Smyth’s survey as appertaining to the Sundarbans.