The promulgation of the revised rules gave a fresh impetus to Sundarban operations, which had, in a great measure, been held in abeyance pending their issue. Uma Kanta Babu proceeded to carry them out in their three directions of commutations, assessments, and new grants. Rule III prescribed the method of commutation, and the majority of grantees availed themselves of the option held out, but the determination of the assessment was not unattended with difficulties. The admission of grants to the easy terms of the new rules did away for a time with the demand for extensions. On the publication of the rules, the Sundarban Commissioner proceeded to sell the grants, and the favourable character of the rules once more stimulated capitalists to embark in Sundarban reclamation. Uma Kanta Babu’s practice of measuring grants on the expiry of the free term and assessing them de novo was dropped, and the execution of dowls at that stage was pronounced useless.