This chapter intends to identify the racial and slavery entextualizations of two illegal advertisements found on Mercado Livre website (21st century), and in two pieces of news – one issued in Veja magazine and another in G1, an online news website. In order to accomplish this, I rely on the notions of race proposed by Brazilian researchers, and on the concept of entextualization (Bauman & Briggs 1990). In the entextualizations, articulated with gender and age, the Black race – based on Mbembe’s (2015) assumption, that is, race is an invention and a construction – the Black people presented in the ads are constructed by negative, nonhuman, inferior, and objectified performative speech acts (p. 10). The ads also challenge the symbolic violence observed in the miscegenation perspective of race in the Brazilian context. People who practice racism are denounced and punished.