The theory of deluge geology is summarized by H. W. Clark, The New Diluvialism, Science Publications, 1946, p. 205 as follows, “The pristine earth was destroyed by one great overwhelming catastrophe, the Flood, the Deluge, of Genesis 6, 7, and 8 and that this Flood was the direct or indirect cause of most of the major geological features of the earth.” The most complete account of flood geology by G. M. Price is to be found in his “The New Geology” 1923. Like other fields of physical science, geology assumes that the world about the reader operates according to law and order. There are three major rock types, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. The only quantitative methods of getting absolute time are based on radioactive isotopes in the earth’s crust. The theory that a relatively recent universal flood can account for the sedimentary strata of the earth is entirely inadequate to explain the observed data in geology.