In its relatively brief history, desistance research has contributed much to our understanding of how and why people stop offending. However, less is known about how these findings can be translated into practice. This is because desistance researchers were traditionally concerned with the personal and social change processes that, for the most part, take place outside the criminal justice system. As such, their focus was regarded as different from, and somewhat opposed to, rehabilitation research and practice. The emerging field of desistance-focused practice, also known as assisted desistance, attempts to narrow the divide between theory and practice. Scholars working in this field have developed a set of practice principles, recommending, for example, that practitioners focus on enhancing personal strengths, social capital, agency and hope among putative desisters. This chapter provides a critical introduction to the literature on desistance-focused practice, focusing on key concepts, practice models and research. Real-world examples of desistance-focused practice in action are provided to illustrate the potential contribution of this literature to the field of rehabilitation practice.