The global view of Hinduism is complex and dynamic. The Hindusim narratives broadly revolve around the themes of the earth and people. Prosperity and profit are attached to people and the world. Theoretically, Lakshmi is a goddess and worshipped by the followers of Hinduism as they worship trees. Hinduism observes the focus on collectiveness, rather than individuality. The homeland is considered dharti mata, which focuses on the earth’s role as a mother that sustains life and living things and therefore qualifies a treatment and care as one’s mother. In Hinduism’s ancient literature, one can find several prayers that are seeking peace from God about everything in this world. Hinduism implants the metaphysical concepts and examines them within the behavior of its followers. The preceding discussion underscores that Hindusim’s main objective is to keep the peace in the earth and increase the human being’s welfare, which are the essential ingredients of sustainable development, guides how to achieve the sustainable development goals.