The mission of Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education (HDCE) is to provide open access to high-quality affordable courses, certificates, and degrees for adult learners. Implementing the 60-Year Curriculum (60YC) at HDCE has been, and will continue to be, a work in progress with both successful innovations and missteps. Thus far, it has involved successive strategic planning exercises to guide an evolution from a lecture-oriented pedagogical model with administration-centric services to supporting multiple online and hybrid pedagogical models with learner- and faculty-centric services. The technical infrastructure is changing from modifications of existing management information systems and a suite of in-house applications to a relationship-management infrastructure and open source and commercial applications. The on-going 60YC planning and development efforts involve shared work by learning engineers, IT developers, and administrators. HDCE’s 60YC infrastructure allows us to conduct experiments to test learning experiences, new infrastructure tools, and administrative processes in response to evidence of learner success, faculty satisfaction, and operational efficiency.