The racialized body carries with it an amalgam of histories, including bodies arriving on this land mass through slavery, through indentureship, and as refugees, temporary visa candidates, migrants, immigrants. There are buzz words in academies, artistic and otherwise, that suggest some type of commonality or shorthand that we are supposed to distribute to our peers for common understanding. The facilities at Toronto Island could manage food and lodging for about twelve participants at any one time, so we had our sights set on this target. The summers of 2018 and 2019 marked a transition of sorts with the Indigenous Arts Intensive, held annually each summer at UBC Okanagan and featuring a panoply of undergraduate and graduate courses, a robust speakers’ series, and a residence. Between 2010 and 2014, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools hosted seven national gatherings and numerous regional ones, connecting with survivors, educators, and a general public.